The GraphQL API has a single endpoint:

Because GraphQL operations consist of multiline JSON, Pay’nUp recommends using the Explorer to make GraphQL calls. You can also use cURL or any other HTTP-speaking library.

In REST, HTTP verbs determine the operation performed. In GraphQL, you’ll provide a JSON-encoded body whether you’re performing a query or a mutation, so the HTTP verb is POST. The exception is an introspection query, which is a simple GET to the endpoint.

To query GraphQL using cURL, make a POST request with a JSON payload. The payload must contain a string called query:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {valid-access-token-goes-here}

   "query": "query { {your-query-goes-here} }"

The string value of “query” must escape newline characters or the schema will not parse it correctly. For the POST body, use outer double quotes and escaped inner double quotes.